Researcher Support
Funding Opportunities
KCA supports members from students to post-doctoral researchers through funding opportunities. As members of KCA, historically, researchers were eligible to apply for NSW Cancer Institute Research Infrastructure Grants and Translational Program Grants. KCA is looking at new ways to continue to support its members into the future. KCA funding opportunites for 2022 are now closed however members will be informed about new opportunities as soon as detaileds are finalised.
* These grants were provided by Cancer Institute NSW until 2021 and only members of a TCRC, such as KCA, could apply.

Education & Training
KCA is training the child cancer researchers of the future. We are creating a culture where clinicians and lab researchers are in dialogue, and where researchers learn to think in terms of a clinical endpoint outcome. Our symposiums and early career researcher workshops are one way in which we support this dialogue.
KCA Infrastructure
KCA provides support for its researchers with established clinical trial centres, biobanking and childhood cancer survivor banks and bioinformatic and biostatistician services across its Randwick and Westmead sites. Further information